There are a number of primary teachers, who either do not know Phonics well or those who are interested to enhance their knowledge of Phonics and teaching methods. Many women entrepreneurs within the early childhood domain also want to start providing Phonics courses in their centers and thus would like to learn Phonics. Finally, many mothers who prefer to teach their children personally need to know the teaching methodology. The Teacher Training Workshop conducted by Phonickids is very useful in all the above objectives.
Phonickids School Teacher Training Workshop is a comprehensive 2 day program that provides optimum coverage to theory and practical of teaching Phonics. The entire course is based on Jolly Phonics Methodology and is conducted by Professional Jolly Trainer accredited by Jolly Learning Ltd. of UK, the original developers of the Jolly Phonics Methodology.
Workshop builds a sound foundation on the Jolly Phonics Methodology including deep knowledge of the key 42 sounds. Past workshop participants have been able to achieve the following:
Day 1 - 9 am - 4 pm
Day 2 - 9 am - 4 pm
Organization of the School Workshop is entirely the responsibility of the organizing school.Minimum requirements for the Workshop - projector, screen, whiteboard with colourful markers, notepads for teachers, audio system and a cordless microphone.
Letter Sounds, Letter Formations, Blending, Identifying Sounds, Tricky Words, Spelling Rules and more..
Many a schools have realized that including Phonics as part of their curriculum for the primary children is the surest way to develop smarter readers. However many schools find their primary teachers either unaware or weak in the Phonics methodology. Hence, Phonickids has developed a special program that is conducted for the school teachers and at the school premises.
2 Day workshop for schools in Mumbai @ Rs.3,500/- per participant
2 Day workshop for schools outside of Mumbai @ Rs.3,500/- per participant, plus travel and stay of the trainer to be borne by the host school.
All fees exclusive of taxes.
There are a number of primary teachers, who either do not know phonics well or those who are interested to enhance their knowledge of phonics and teaching methods. Many women entrepreneurs from the early childhood education domain also want to start providing phonics courses in their centres and thus would like to learn phonics. Finally, many mothers who prefer to teach their children personally need to know the teaching methodology. The Teacher Training Workshop conducted by Phonickids is very useful in all the above objectives.
Jolly Phonics 2 Days @ Rs.8,500/- per participant
Jolly Grammar @ Rs.9,500/- per participant
Workshops for NGOs are conducted at discounted rates
All fees exclusive of taxes.